5 Day Affirmations Challenge

Okay Lets take the challenge!!

As discussed in the Affirmation Quickie Guide, affirmations are a priceless tool to building self love and confidence. They have had a big impact on my life and I want you all to experience what I have. So I have created a challenge for you to test them out for yourselves.

Below I’ve listed 3 affirmations per day for you to repeat to yourself in the morning and before bed – try to repeat it to yourself as many times in the middle of the day as possible too. If you have set your own intentions- feel free to replace them with your own positive affirmations.

Tip: Try setting an alarm to remind yourself to say your affirmations. For some, writing the affirmations out help them get it in their subconscious. You can also have post-its or note cards with you as a reminder. Visual cues are great ways to stimulate your memory and prep yourself.

The affirmations below contain statements dealing with themes such as Intentions, Self-esteem/Self-love, Ambition, and Worry.

How to:

Take a moment get centered and become aware of your body. Breathe in to the count of 4 and out for the count of 5. Repeat the affirmations slowly 3 times and really feel the words; bring them into your body and mind. After you’ve completed them continue with your day, setting positive intentions and repeat them at night.


I am fully present in this moment.

I go out into the world and make a positive impact just by being me

I am powerful and unstoppable




I spread love and receive love

I will love myself even if I make a mistake.

Today I am overjoyed in who I am



I am the master of my own thoughts.

I accept myself for who I am

I will be good to myself from this moment on.



My time here is valuable and I am determined to get all I can out of it

I am a vibrational match for all I desire

I am fearless therefore limitless



I am proud of my commitment to myself

I am optimistic hopeful and confident

I am unstoppable.



At the end of the five days take note of how you feel and continue to used them. Remember that just completing the challenge is enough to be proud of. You are taking steps toward living your best life. I hope these affirmations speak to you and give you some kind of inspiration and starting point.

Write in the comments how they have worked for you and any new experiences you encountered. I’m very interested to read them.


affirmations challenge page

Your Quickie Affirmations Guide – What They Are and What They Do

As you know this blog is Bad Bitch Affirmations – a place where baddies, muses, queens, boss babes, and anyone in-between can get info on living their best, healthiest, most self-aware, and loving lives. It is my goal to fill women with the tools, thought processes, guides and knowledge to help them get what they want out of life. Affirmations help tremendously with that.

But what is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a statement or phrase that is proclaiming, declaring, and affirming. Always positive, affirmations, when repeated have a way of changing thought processes and changing dispositions.  They can also become part of your identity.

Identity statements are powerful motivators for self-change. Using emotional words in affirmations is important, because of the deep association we have between emotion words and somatic experiences.

How will this help me?

By using affirmations, you are tapping into your subconscious and reprogramming those bad habits. For instance, let’s say you have a habit of automatically thinking the worst when you walk into a room full of people you don’t know. You might begin to feel self-conscious, wonder why everyone is staring, start to think there must be something wrong, start to feel stupid, feel like you don’t belong, or want to run and hide.

With positive affirmations, you will be able to talk yourself out of a negative spiral by saying, “I am okay. I am beautiful and interesting. I walk into a room and they look in awe. I am full of wonderful traits that the world is waiting to see.”

You can do it immediately, when you feel yourself getting anxious, or you can do it in preparation for a big moment. With repeating these sentiments to yourself over and over, you will reprogram your brain to automatically go to that positive, uplifting space, instead of the negative space.

When we feel positively, our lives reflect that. But when we feel low or negative we have the tendencies to engage in negative, self-defeating behaviors, which snowball into negative self-talk, anxiety, unworthiness, jealousy, fear, worry, illness, and suffering.

Even if you don’t believe the affirmations now, when you repeat them to yourself and act as if they are true, you will start to engage in activities associated with the positive affirmations, that then produce the positive outcomes, and then they do become true.

**Reminder: Affirmations need to be met with an open mind, intentions, and action. Because realistically – you can say whatever you want but if you do not do something different you will always get the same results. If you want to change, do your affirmations and believe them, then act on them.

I know it’s kind of a lot. But its life changing stuff.

So how do I do it?

Set the intentions: Figure out what you want to work on. Do you want to feel better about yourself? Relieve anxiety? Motivate yourself? Manage stress? There are many guided meditations and affirmations out there that can give you a boost to start your day, or a smooth ride to work.


Get ready: You can sit and relax or look in the mirror, or whatever is comfortable for you. Take a moment get centered and become aware of your body. Breathe in to the count of 4 and out for the count of 5.

As you exhale, release all the tension and other thoughts, worries or distractions and focus on your breath.

Repeat your affirmations slowly 3 times and really feel the words, bring them into your body and mind. Continue to repeat them to yourself throughout the day as many times as possible. Become aware of your mental states and repeat as needed.


Here are 5 affirmations to practice today.


Dont forget to take the Challenge!!! 5 Day Affirmations Challenge





ABCs of being a bad bitch

ABCs of being a bad bitch

  • A – Ambition. Let us all have the drive and determination and the will to make our dreams our reality.
  • B- Brave. Be brave enough and bold enough to break out of comfort zones, stereotypes and societal norms.
  • C – Caring. Show love to those around you, build others up as you glow up.
  • D – Different. Be different, express yourself creatively, and leave them shook. Be the flow, don’t follow it.
  • E- Equipped.  You are fully equipped to either deal with hard situations, find the answers to hard problems. You are armed with all you need to succeed.
  • F- Fearless. – fearlessness leads to limitlessness
  • G- Glow Up. Mantra- be your best you, shine
  • H- Humility. Be humble, be unpretentious. You are great but should not be obnoxious with it
  • I – Introspection. Meditate, self-examine and reflect. Having the ability to be introspective is key.
  • J – Journey. Life is a journey, series of events, its u to you to enjoy the ride
  • K – Kindness. Be kind to everyone it makes you so much more appealing
  • L – Life. Get your life, live your life, Enjoy your life.
  • M – Mantras |Manifesto. Bad Bitch words to live by.
  • N – No. Say it and mean it. Its ok to have boundaries. If it doesn’t serve you, let your no’s be no and your yes’s be yes.
  • O – Options. There are always options, even if you don’t like the alternatives, they’re there. You are never stuck anywhere. If you don’t like a situation, make a change. Period
  • P – Present. Don’t let life pass you by. Be in the present moment. Love life how it is, and fully experience all it has to offer you.
  • Q- Queen. Remember that you are one, start acting like it.
  • R – Respect. Respect others, and demand respect respectfully.
  • S – Self-worth. The way you think about yourself and your life and your worth will dictate a lot.
  • T – Transcend. Excel, exceed, and rise higher than who you used to be, or who they said you were. Go beyond and surpass what even you thought you could be. Be Great.
  • U- Understand. It is important to take the time to understand others and their differences as well as understanding yourself, your tendencies and your growth.
  • V- Vibrate higher. Positive vibes, high energy.
  • W- Work. Put the work in. Chase your dreams. Go after what you want in life.
  • X- eXcellence. Finesse, Quality, Brilliance. A Bad Bitch excels in these things along with grace, power, greatness and beauty (inside and out).
  • Y- Yes. If you agree to something and mean it. Do things because you want to.
  • Z- Zeal. Be enthusiastic about your journey Get excited about what’s to come

